The Parent Body consists of Leaders appointed by Moderator in an effort to govern the needs of the Association. 


Moderator                                                                                                  Reverend Eric R. Cummings Sr.

Immediate Past Moderator                                                                 Reverend Standley Gillings Sr

Moderator Emeritus                                                                              Reverend Dr. Jerone A. Gamble

Executive Board Chairman                                                                  Reverend Jason Sims

Assistant Executive Board Chairman                                              Reverend Ondra Thornton

Vice Moderator-at-Large                                                                      Reverend Dr. Michael Baker Sr.

Central/ Southeast Regional Moderator                                        Reverend Dr. Melvin Cotton

Northeast Regional Moderator                                                          Reverend Joe H. Wright Jr

Northwest Regional Moderator                                                        Reverend Victor Boynton

Southwest Regional Moderator                                                         Reverend Ronald Sutton

Administrative Assistant                                                                      Sister Antionette Hunt

Administrative Assistant                                                                      Sister Valorie Jackson

Assistant To Moderator                                                                        Reverend Dr. D. J. Berry

Assistant To Moderator                                                                        Reverend Stanley Jacobs, Sr.

Assistant To Moderator                                                                        Reverend Izell James

Assistant To Moderator                                                                        Reverend Dr. Clarence Woods

Financial Assistant To Moderator                                                    Brother Otis Brown

Financial Assistant To Moderator                                                    Sister Angela Jacobs

General Secretary                                                                                    Reverend Jamie Gilmore

Assistant General Secretary                                                                Reverend Ricky Hutchinson

Secretary/Treasurer                                                                              Reverend Frankie D. McClendon

Association Evangelist                                                                          Reverend Demetrius Franklin

Bible Expositor                                                                                         Reverend Nichollus Booker

Assistant Bible Expositor                                                                     Reverend Anthony Expositor

Finance Chairman                                                                                   Sister Vivian Taylor

Historian                                                                                                     Sister Cynthia Wilson-Graham
President Of Chorus                                                                           Brother Alfonzo Owens

Director Of Community Relations                                                  Reverend Reginald Willis

Director Of Community Relations                                                 Reverend Martin Smith

Director Of Maintenance                                                                      Deacon Ronald Scott

Office Manager                                                                                     Sister Johnnie Mae Green

Assistant To Office Manager                                                               Sister Narvella Hayes

Custodial Services                                                                                   Brother Michael Hunt



Mod. Emeritus ……..Dr Rev Jerone A Gamble

Vice At Large………….….Rev Stanley Gillings

1st Vice Moderator ………...Rev Jason Simms

2nd Vice Moderator ………..…Rev Joe Wright

3rd Vice Moderator ……….Rev Ronald Sutton

4th Vice Moderator ……....Rev Victor Boynton

Adm. Assistant ……………Sis Antionette Hunt

Adm.  Assistant …………..Sis Valerie Jackson

Asst. To Moderator ………….Dr Rev DJ Berry

Asst. To Moderator …..Rev Stanley Jacobs Sr

Financial Asst/Moderator ….….Bro Otis Brown

Financial Asst/Moderator …Sis Angela Jacobs

Exec. Board Chairman ……Rev Michael Baker

General Secretary ………...Rev Jamie Gilmore

Secretary Treasure …..Rev Franky McClendon

Bible Expositor……………Rev Nickolos Booker

Association Evangelist …Rev Winston Dawson

Finance Chairman …………..Sis Vivian Taylor

Historian …………………………………….TBA

President Of Chorus ……..Bro Alfonzo Owens

Dir. Of Comm. Relation ……Rev Reginal Willis

Asst Dir of Comm. Relation ….……………TBA

Dir. Of Maintenance ………...Bro Ronald Scott

Office Manager …………..Sis Gertha Williams

Asst To Office Manager…. Sis Narvella Hayes

Custodian Service ………….Bro Michael Hunt